Another Year of Adventure...
My fellow Adventurers,
As we bring to close another year in the history of our lives, let us not look back and wonder what could have been... but look forward to what will be. We will have plenty of time for looking back when we are old, gray, and reminiscing with grandchildren.
The Human Spirit of Adventure has always been about moving forward and meeting challenges... from the early days when Columbus sailed the Atlantic in search of a new world, to the first moon landing, to Felix Baumgartner's super-sonic Base-jump from the edge of space, adventurers have always followed the road less traveled.
A wise man once said, "Tomorrow is the first blank page in a 365 page book... Write a good one."
We here at Human Spirit of Adventure plan to write a great one, and we hope that each and every one of you do as well. May all of your dreams come true in 2014, and may all of your adventures be exciting!